Annual Council Presentations
View the presentations of the business sessions of Annual Council.
Presentations: Thursday, October 6, 2022
- Devotional: “The Great Reversal” by Rick McEdward (Video Link)
- Mission Refocus (Video Link)
- Pioneers of Hope: Kenya (Video Link)
- Thinking Missiologically by Jaimie Eckert (Video Link)
- In Need of Hope: Iran (Video Link)
- United in Mission: Mission Stories of Sacrifice by Michael Campbell (Video Link)
- Pioneers of Hope: Philippines (Video Link)
- Case Study: Northern Asia-Pacific Division Global Mission Report by Sun Hwan Kim (Video Link)
- In Need of Hope: Djibouti (Video Link)
- Reaching the Secular and Post-Christian by Kleber Gonçalves (Video Link)
- Pioneers of Hope: Brazil (Video Link)
- Case Study: South Pacific Division Report by Glenn C Townend (Video Link)
- Case Study: Chinese Unioin Mission Report by Daniel Wang Xin Jiao (Video Link)
- In Need of Hope: Damascus (Video Link)
- Pioneers of Hope: Mexico (Video Link)
- Yure Gramacho Family, Missionaries in Tokyo (Video Link)
- In Need of Hope: North Korea (Video Link)
- Refocusing on Mission by Gary D Krause (Video Link)
- Missionaries Need Missionaries Too (Video Link)
Presentations: Friday, October 7, 2022
- Devotional: “Leaders and Health Discipleship: Let your lives so shine. . .” by E Albert Reece (Video Link)
- Introduction of Leadership Partners by Juan R Prestol-Puesan (Video Link)
- LEADLab by Erich Baumgartner and Randy Siebold (Video Link)
- Global Leadership Institute (Link)
- Compassion in Comprehensive Health Ministry by Clifford R Goldstein (Video Link)
- Ellen G White’s Visions on Health by Peter N Landless and Merlin D Burt (Video Link)
- Comprehensive Health Ministry by Mark A Finley (Video Link)
- Glenn C Townend’s Health Journey (Video Link)
- The 10,000 Toes Campaign (Video Link)
- Youth Alive (Video Link)
- Vita Salus Wellness Center (Link)
- Angelia Clinic by Peter N Landless (Video Link)
- Closing Comments by Peter N Landless and Mark A Finley (Video Link)
- “You Raise Me Up” performed by Angelia Clinc Staff (Video Link)
Presentations: Sabbath, October 8, 2022
- Mission Impact Fund by Paul H Douglas (Video Link)
- Literature Outreach and Christ’s Method by James M Howard (1 MB PDF)
- Great Controversy Project 2.0 by Almir M Marroni (Video Link)