The Robe of Righteousness – Lars Justinen. Copyright GoodSalt Inc.
The Robe of Righteousness – Lars Justinen. Copyright GoodSalt Inc.

Reach the World: Christ Our Righteousness

2017 Spring Meeting

Executive Meetings February 28, 2017

Greetings from the General Conference! The business sessions of the 2017 Spring Meeting of the General Conference Executive Committee will be held at the General Conference headquarters in Silver Spring, MD, April 11-12, 2017. As a member or invitee of the General Conference Executive Committee, we welcome you to these meetings. Your attendance and valuable contributions to the decision-making processes are very much appreciated.

As you make preparation to attend the 2017 Spring Meeting, please join us in praying for an abundant outpouring of the Latter Rain for the unity of the church and for its mission to move forward. We urgently need the Lord’s richest blessings at this extraordinary time in which we live. While we attend to the business agenda of the Spring Meeting, we look forward to the soon return of our Lord Jesus Christ. “For yet a little while, and He who is coming will come and will not tarry (Heb 10:37).


View announcements for attendees.


View the 2017 Spring Meeting Agenda.

Devotional Speaker

Our devotional speaker for Spring Meeting is Dr. Ganoune Diop, Director of Public Affairs and Religious Liberty at the General Conference.

A passion for God and a passion for people have defined Dr. Ganoune Diop’s life’s work. His passion for people led him to his first love of studying sociology, pastoral psychology, and pastoral care. His also holds a Masters in Exégèses and Theology from Collonges, France, a Masters degree in Philiology from the University of Paris, and a PhD in Old Testament Studies from Andrews University. He is an ordained minister, and has served as a local church pastor. Other positions he has held include conference departmental director, and professor of Biblical Languages, Exegesis, and Theology at Saleve Adventist University in France, and later at Southern Adventist University and Oakwood University in the United States. Before joining the General Conference PARL department in 2011 as an associate director, Dr. Diop was Director of the five Global Mission Study Centers of Adventist Mission.

Now, as director of Public Affairs and Religious Liberty for the Adventist world church, Dr. Diop brings a distinctively Adventist perspective to issues of human rights and human dignity in many different settings around the globe—from the United Nations in New York and Geneva to the G20 Inter-faith Summits and many other national and international symposiums. His goal is to position the church to a standing of trust, credibility and relevance in the public space.

Dr. Diop was born in Dakar, Senegal. He is a concert flute soloist, who also loves art and literature. He and his wife, Helene, have three children.

Daily Schedule

Daily Schedules for the dates of Spring Meeting and the pre-meetings will be posted on the Executive Committee Portal as they become available. Please login using your username and password, then click on the tab for Spring Meeting.